

Mitsubishi Electric Issues Environmental Report 2019

Confirms steady progress in first year of 9th Environmental Plan

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced that it has issued its Environmental Report 2019 documenting the results and achievements of environmental initiatives conducted by the Mitsubishi Electric in the fiscal year that ended in March 2019. The report confirmed that favorable progress was achieved in the reduction of CO2 from production operations and the reduction of resource inputs, helping to beat annual targets under Mitsubishi Electric's three-year ninth Environmental Plan to fiscal 2021, a blueprint for reduced carbon, increased recycling and greater harmony with nature.

Major Initiatives and Results in Fiscal 2019

1)      Creating low-carbon societies: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in both production and use

In the ended fiscal 2019, total CO2 emissions from production (greenhouse gas other than CO2 converted into CO2 mass) were reduced to 1.3 million tons, beating the target of 1.43 million tons, thanks to measures such as the introduction of high-efficiency equipment and revised operations. Energy-derived CO2 emissions, which had been forecasted to rise 60,000 tons due to increased production during the year, actually rose only 30,000 tons due to the introduction of high-efficiency, energy-saving equipment and new measures to eliminate waste at production facilities. Non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions came to 180,000 tons (CO2 equivalent2), greatly improving on 250,000-ton target, which was achieved by switching to refrigerants with low global-warming potential and enhancing operations.

CO2 emissions from products in use in the market were reduced by 36 percent compared to the 35 percent target.

2)      Creating recycling societies: Reducing product sizes and weights to cut resource input and water use

Resource input was reduced by 45 percent compared with the fiscal 2001 rate, bettering the 40 percent target.

Global measures included more water recycling in production processes and the reuse of waste water.

Mitsubishi Electric and its affiliates in Japan achieved their targets for the effective use of resources in terms of final resource disposal rate.

3)      Creating societies in tune with nature: Expanding biodiversity activities around sites in Japan

To help preserve biodiversity, including rare and endemic species, the group conducts on-site biological surveys.

Nature-appreciation excursions for adults and children, conducted under the Mitsubishi Electric Outdoor Classrooms and Satoyama Woodland Preservation Project initiatives, attracted some 4,000 participants as planned.

